The strongest encryption on the planet!



Thomas Hariot was the first to use Binary to store Decimal Values, he further worked on Ternary, Quadnary, and on up. His works were used by Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz so he could say he invented these ideas. However as found by John W. Shirley it was not Leibniz that created it but it was Hariot from whom Leibniz had taken his unpublished notes. This is a 400+ year old method of math




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Combinations, a combinatorial item, is a well known school of math. Combinations is used for a variety of modern purposes. It was most heavily researched by Blaise Pascal and and was considered to be finished by him in the 17th to 18th century but the roots of this school of math goes back to the 12th century, aka approximately 800 to 900 years ago.

Pascal is very involved in the area of Combinations and Combinatorials in general.

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Combary™ Formula

Combary™ is the mixing of these two schools of math where no one even considered the possibilities therein. If we take the creation of Binary as an ecoding method then we have not seen an advance in over 400 years. Since Pascal's Triangle is part and parcel with the Binary Tree there could be some discussion that it may only be 200 years since the update happened but there is the need to consider that Combary is based in Ternary and stores Binary and Combinations both meaning it is more in tune with the work of Hariot than Pascal.

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Process 1: Combinations

One of the two NP_Complete methods that has been derived, the Combinations portion uses Combary™ to help prevent any existing 'short cut' from being able to find an exploit to reduce the time needed to crack an encrypted file. Customization is possible wherein salts can be changed, lengths can be changed, and more. This means that a bank, a government, or other institution that is worried about their files can actually change the variation slightly to make it impossible for their files to be decrypted enroute over the internet.


Process 2: The Juggle

This is the second of the NP_Complete methods and it is designed to prevent, as in forever, any brute force efforts. The larger the file the more dramatic the increase in security is.

The design means that an attacker who lacks the key must process the whole file for three to five iterations of this process per possible key entry to brute force this encryption method. Given the Sorting Process also changing the order of the three main processes this means attempting to guess the order will also require an additional 6^3 to 6^5 number of variations. Being off by 1 bit will not generate a meaningful insight to the code either, the attacker must be dead on to defeat this process.

My Patents

I currently have 4 Patents and Patent Pending.
For details on the Pending Patent please contact me with the contact form below.
All Patents here are based on the same original filing date and are US Patents.

Please note the Patent Pending Status!


Patent One

10,121,510 deals with using the Combary™ system to store data in new and novel ways.

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Patent Two

9,786,318 is the one most pertaining to the encryption methods that will be seeking peer review.

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Patent Three

10,930,314 deals with internet based usage of the Combary™ System

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Patent Four

This patent uses colors to encode data in new and novel ways. This is not so related to the encryption method.

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Peer Review

I am making my software available for peer review. This will include the source code, the methods, ways for you to test just one process or test them all, and it will provide save files after each step so you can attempt to decrypt at various stages as part of your peer review.

You are required to accept the Software License before you can gain access to the zipped file. I reserve all rights and this is purely for the purposes of peer review.

Specifically I make the following claims:

1) A new mathematical method bridging Combinations and Binary/Ternary.

2) A lower number of steps to encrypt and decrypt using the key.

3) Significantly better encryption than AES regarding formula based attacks.

4) Significantly better encryption than AES regarding Brute Force Attacks.

5) More adaptability for increasing the difficulty than AES within the structure.

6) A smaller key than AES uses will result in greater protection.

7) Two NP-Complete mathematical methods are being used to encrypt the data

8) Lossless Encryption

9) The methods involved are novel and new

10)It is possible to have two languages running/stored in a third language (Binary+Combinations in a Ternary Base).


I am seeking peer review of my Combary™ Encryption System and am submitting software, methods, the ability to test individual Processes, see Process after Process changes, input the key, input the data, and am allowing a limited right (see license agreement) to modify and test the software as needed for a full peer review.

License Agreement

contact me

If you have questions, concerns, or otherwise, then please feel free to contact me using this fquick link button